Orientation Services

All faculty members attend the Faculty Orientation where their teaching loads, coordinatorships, responsibilities and other policies are discussed. Laboratories in-Charge also take the initial tour on their assigned laboratories.

During the start of the School Year, all learners undergo the one-day Orientation Program where learners are oriented on the school’s PVMGO, policies, activities, services and more. The ESC Scholarship and SHS Voucher Program Orientation are also integrated in these events.

Parents are also oriented during the First PTA Conference especially on the school guidance, accounting, registrar and other policies that require their support.

Individual Counselling Services

This type of services is applicable to the learners who need intervention or coaching in terms of academic, family/personal issues, resilience, decision-making and more. If needed, their parents/guardians are consulted as well.

To add, individual services help to collect data for individual learner’s inventory.

Group Counselling Services

For this School Year, the “Psychosocial Support Forum” shall be conducted, intended to distinguish the learners’, teachers and parents’ emotions and personal development. This also identifies the learners’ behavior during the distance learning process. For teachers and parents, it helps them how to manage learners’ and parents’ behavior at the same time their own welfare.


In few cases where violations occur, group counselling is used to confer with the group of involved learners. However, the Office assure confidentiality by choosing which cases are for group counselling and which are for individual/separate counselling.


This Program is specifically designed for incoming Senior High School students.


Grade 10 learners are scheduled to undergo the Career Guidance Program for their upcoming Senior High School level. Usually conducted in March, they are taught the strands in Senior High, the advantages and disadvantages and the aligned college courses in each strand. They are also oriented to prepare (if still needed) for the Online Voucher Program Application (OVAP) and to enroll next school year to avail the voucher. As for the OVAP, Grade 10 learners in CSOHS, Inc. are thoroughly assisted until results are released.


Aside from the Program for learners, discussion with the respective parents and guardians are done during the 3rd PTA Orientation. As currently enrolled in CSOHS, Inc., their children/ward are automatically exempted from taking the entrance/scholarship examination.

Grade 12 students are consulted regarding their planned exits after high school graduation. Those who opt for continuous schooling are also assisted during their college application.


The Classroom Guidance Program at CSOHS, Inc. seeks to positively impact the lives of our learner’s personality in order to prepare him for his role in the family, the world of work and the community. Our program offers comprehensive planning and guidance services addressing learner academic and career goals, as well as personal and social needs. We work to give learners the opportunities to acquire the educational and social competencies necessary for their growth toward lifelong success and effective, responsible citizenship for a diverse and changing world.